As these wonderful cookies do not contain flour (or fat other than that of nuts), they are very popular with us on Passover but not just, and they are very simple make. What distinguishes them is the addition of Swiss cherry Kirsch (Willisauer Kirsch Original or Zuger Kirsch, that are my favorites) in the top glaze, the delicate sting of the citrus peels and of course the back-oblaten papers on which they are baked. As of today, they are no longer required as we can use silicone mats. However, for me these round white bottoms made of some kind of rice paper are an integral part of the recipe. In Europe they can be obtained in any supermarket. For this recipe I used the bottom of a 4.5 cm
Ingredients for about 100 cookies
For the paste
4 medium eggs (200 g)
430 g of sugar
250 g ground almonds (with skin)
250 g ground hazelnuts (with skin)
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1.5 teaspoon cinnamon
50 g chopped citrus (candied citrus peel)
100 obladen diameter 45 mm (optional)
For decoration
100 halves of blanched almonds
150 grams of powdered sugar
3 teaspoons of Kirsch or cherry liqueur

Chop the citrus thinly.
Mix all the ingredients of the dough, cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least two hours.
If you are using the obladen, arrange them on a baking tray with about 2 cm intervals because the cookies rise, and place dough balls the size of a falafel ball (3.5-4 cm).
Place half a bleached almond on each cookie
Bake for 25 minutes at 170 ° C. The cookies dry from the outside and remain soft inside.
Cool completely
Mix the powdered sugar with the Kiesch to a creamy mixture, and spread over each cookie with the back of a teaspoon or spatula.
Allow the glaze to set for about an hour.