Photographed turorials
Work processes I have taken over the years, most of them appear here in nine stages.
(The page will be refreshed from time to time with more tutorials)
Easy ring lining
I have often seen people getting tangled up with a ring, using two layers - one of parchment and another of aluminum foil, and cut and paste and all sorts of other unnecessary actions.
I learned this technique during my studies in Tadmor. I have just perfected this method with a stapler that has two advantages:
Takes up less space on the baking tray and lets you bake another product at the same time.
Remains tightly closed and doesn't not open during baking.
It is very easy to release the cake from the ring (after it has cooled) by gently pulling the staples triangle tab.
In fact, with a silicone mat you may even bake even without covering the bottom but ... it's a risk as the ring really needs to be very straight and the baking tray must be very thick and heavy.

place the ring on parchment paper

start folding from one corner towards the ring

keep folding tightly on both sides

till both ends meet

keep folding till they cover one another in front

cut off excess paper

keep folding as much as possible and staple

two staples even better

place on a baking tray with or without a silicone mat
Cold Porcelain Pomegranate branch

cover a styrofoam ball. make one end pointed

cut 5 snips into the pointed end

form the "crown"

paint yellow and red. let dry.

pull stamen bunch through crown

make foliage.

paint and glaze

assemble foliage with fruit using brown tape

and you're done

Making a fox cake
I made this fox at the beginning of my career for my son's birthday when he named his studio "SHUAL" (fox in Hebrew).
Unfortunately, it was filmed before it dried up and it is still shiny.
Mushon brought up the preparation stages of this cake, where you can also see other foxes from other materials that his friends and colleagues sent him.
I feel very flattered to be there among all the other fox artists.
Click on the image to view.
Making a fondant Labrador

make a wire skeleton

first fondant layer on body and legs

first layer on head

second layer

details layer

paint dark parts

paint wet color and let dry

finish up with powders

pick a name