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Yud's Pastry
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This was no doubt my childhood favorite. It is not refreshing, especially during the summer, and it is especially nutritious. The dish is named after Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner.

Dr. Bircher-Benner was one of the first to promote raw foods after he had Jaundice and claimed to be cured by eating raw apples. He researched the effects of raw foods on the our health, and as such was a great supporter of müesli a traditional Swiss dish based on oatmeal, fruit and nuts, that was eventually named after him. From what I was told as a child, he even cured children who were hospitalized in his clinic with malnutrition.

ingredients for 6 servings

1 grated apple - no need to peel
8 tablespoons oatmeal (flakes) 
50 grams chopped walnuts
50 g (or to taste) sugar
Juice from one lemon
5-6 fruits cut into small cubes
50 g fresh / frozen / dried berries
300 ml of milk


Start with the oatmeal (flakes) and cover them with milk. Allow the milk to soak in the flakes. The texture should be sparse porridge. Add the grated apple, sugar, lemon juice, nuts and fruit and stir. Serve cold.

99/6 Tel Hai st., Kfar Sava 4424542 Israel

Yud: +972-52-3699334

Business hours:

Sunday-Thursday  10:00-14:00


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ימים א'-ה'   10:00-15:00
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