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Sugar Flowers

Food Art Gallery

Food stuff allows for endless creativity. Marzipan modeling, sugar modeling, pulling and blowing, chocolate sculptures, caramel creations combined with puffs, spectacular gelatin works, paintings and sculptures from seeds and grains, bread art, fruit, vegetables, margarine and ice carving and more . I call it disposable art. No need to store anything, just keep making it.

Pastry Gallery

99/6 Tel Hai st., Kfar Sava 4424542 Israel

Yud: +972-52-3699334

Business hours:

Sunday-Thursday  10:00-14:00


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 4424542 תל חי 99/6 כפר סבא
יוד:     052-3699334

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שעות פעילות:
ימים א'-ה'   10:00-15:00
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