Bread Art
Bread sculpture is particularly challenging as unlike sugar paste or marzipan, these products are made of various bread doughs, that are actually being baked. This affects the final appearance of the product that rises and changes shape and color due to temperature differences.
I discovered the Bread Art back in 2007 as a member of the delegation of the Israeli chefs' association for the "Bread Cup" competition at the Sigep food show in Rimini, Italy. 10 years later In 2017, I had a closure when my bread sculpture was sent to Rimini with the Israeli team in the European Bakers Champion's Championship.

Bread championship Italy 2017

Sicily, 2013

Hannuka Menora

Live dough

Live dough

Dead Dough

Dead dough

Edible Jewelery

Dead dough

Dead dough

Dead dough

4th place, Rimini Italy 2007